General Terms and Conditions for Nerds@Work and Nerds@Home Membership

These Conditions apply to the Services we provide and by ordering the Services, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below. If you have any queries with regard to these Conditions please call us on 0844 247 0777. Or you can contact us via our website at

When you join as a Member via our Website or directly with our office all of the conditions listed below apply along with the terms in our Nerds @ Work and Nerds @ Home Online Agreements

Definitions and Applications

“We or Company” means State Technology (UK) Ltd T/a Computer Nerds a company registered in England and Wales under the number5099487. TheRegistered office is 2-3 Stable Court, Herriard Park, Herriard, Hampshire, RG25 2PL.

“Website” is

“Customer” Any person or business at whose request or on whose behalf the company undertakes any business or provides advice, information or services

“You” are an authorised user of our Membership Services


Provision of the Services

We supply the Service in accordance with these Conditions.

Rights and Obligations

You agree to:

1. Advise us of any changes to your Personal Information either via our website, in writing or by telephoning our office.
2. Pay any amounts due for the Services
3. We reserve the right to change the price or the content of any our Services or Products at anytime.
4. We will make every endeavour to provide the Service in a reasonableandefficient manner but be aware that any times given for the completion of the work are only estimates, it is possible that delaysmay incur as a result ofmatters that are out of our control. All appointments are subject to availability
5. Members will have priority over other callers who have not signed up for any of our Memberships or other services
6. You agree to pay all monthly Membership Subscriptions by Bank Standing Order or Credit Card.You have the option of paying the full 12 months in advance for a 5% discount (net of VAT)


Your verbal confirmation or signing of our Membership Agreement will be deemed as an offer to purchase our Membership Services.


The price of our Membership Services will be invoiced monthly or annually as per the terms of your agreement. Any work outside items covered by your agreement will be invoiced and the relevant discount applied to the labour content only of any job. All invoice final totals will include VAT at current rates.Failure to make payment within 30 daysof any amount due either for monthly subscriptions or work done will give us the option of cancelling your Membership Agreement without further notice and taking any legal remedy to effect payment


You may cancel your Membership Agreement within 7 days of signing such agreement. Cancellation is not permitted if any work has been done after the commencement of the Membership Agreement.

Membership Agreements are initially for one year from the date of signing and will renew / rollover for the following year (s) unless a notice of cancellation is received at least 30 days before the end of the first 12 months. If the agreement has rolled over into subsequent years it may be cancelled by giving three months notice in writing


To enable us to provide you with our Membership Services we will require certain personal information from you. We reserve the right to use this information by us or any associate company or business to offer you other services or products that we might have or develop in the future.

You agree that we may update this information from time to time

We will only disclose this information without your consent if required by law, any Government Body or if it is required to prevent crime.

Information we hold on you is available by writing to State Technology (UK) Ltd T/a Computer Nerds, 12 Coda Centre, 189 Munster Road, London SW6 6AW. You may also update your information we hold by writing in or calling 0844 247 0777


We will provide our Membership Services on professional terms and all reasonable steps will be taken to provide a satisfactory service. However we do not guarantee these will meet your exact expectations

Although we will take all due care and attention we cannot and will not be responsiblefor any lost data, business interruption or information that you may have on your computer, telephone or any other related hardware.

We will not be responsible for any damage if you fail to follow any of our instructions or advice.

We cannot be held responsible for events outside of our control such as late or non delivery of products by third parties, fire, theft, flooding or water damage of any kind, civil unrest, rioting, industrial disputes, explosions or war.


We may, assign, charge, dispose or sell your Membership but you may not


We provide three levels of support:
1. Remote (by telephone)
2. Visits (home or office)
3. At base (our office)

If option 3 above is chosen (at base) you have the option of bringing the item to our office or we reserve the right to make a charge should we collect or arrange third party services to collect

Any telephone calls by Members requesting basic software installation, troubleshooting,advice or consultation will not be charge for, provided such calls are “fair use” e.g. 30 minutes per call for Nerds@Work members and 15 minutes for Nerds@Home Members. There is no limit to the number of such calls that can be made monthly

Further support is contained in our Membership Agreement that forms part of your on line application.

You agree to provide us with any technical information relating to your hardware or software including Passwords or relevant license keys and you must have valid software licenses where applicable. We undertake to keep all of your Passwords or any other sensitive informational confidential and not reveal this to any other third party without your express permission either verbally, in writing or by email.

In the event you do not supply us original disks for any software we reserve the right supply these (if still available) to you and make a charge accordingly.

You must back up software or data on your equipment. If you prefer we will offer to do this for you but there may be a charge for labour and there will be a charge for the cost of any back up hardware. We will take all reasonable care to backup such data but will not responsible in any way if this corrupted or only only partially backed up

Should you require us to destroy any sensitive equipment such as Hard Drives, Hardware etc, we reserve the right to make a charge for this service

Jurisdiction and Law

These conditions and any act or contract to which they apply shall be governed by English Law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts